Profiling Survey

Use Case

In general, the minimum attributes Toluna needs to know about a member in order to match them to a survey are BirthDate and Gender. There may be cases, however, when a Partner does not have access to this information. If you are on this page, it’s highly likely you currently do or will fall into this category.

For members without BirthDate or Gender assigned, Toluna can route them through a Member Profile Survey. This survey will ask the member a few questions and assign those answers to the member’s profile automatically. At the completion of the survey, the member will be returned to the Partner’s defined End Page.

The method to produce the Member Profile Survey is identical to that of the Get Surveys API. The Member Profiling Survey will be automatically returned whenever surveys are requested of a member registered without the minimum attributes needed

Note: Toluna does not request nor store PII Regulated information.


Once a member has returned from the Member Profile Survey, their newly-updated information can be retrieved using the GET Member Route of the Member Management API. The member will also be eligible for surveys at this time. Repeat the Get Surveys API call to pull a list of surveys the member now qualifies for.



GET  https://{IP_CORE_URL}/IntegratedPanelService/api/Surveys/?memberCode={MemberCode}&partnerGuid={PartnerGUID}&numberOfSurveys=2&deviceTypeIDs=1


Name Type Description
MemberCode int Unique Respondent Code from the Partner
PartnerGUID Guid Unique Partner code provided by Toluna
NumberOfSurveys string Number of Surveys the Partner is requesting to receive to show the Member (maximum 5 available)
MobileCompatible bool Optional - When TRUE, only mobile compatible surveys will be shown. This property will be deprecated in the future with an announcement. Use DeviceTypeIDs instead.
DeviceTypeIDs int Indicated the device types for which Surveys should be returned. Supported values: 1=Desktop/Laptop, 2=Tablet, 3=Phone. When “DeviceTypeIDs” are supplied, the “MobileCompatible” parameter is ignored


Possible Response Codes

Code Etiology, actions
200 OK. Request processed normally, results returned without issue
400 Bad Request. Request is malformed or incomplete. Review message details and take appropriate action
500 Internal Error. An exception occurred while processing the request. Toluna likely has the details captured in its logs

Body Details

Name Type Description
SurveyID int Toluna-specified Survey identifier
WaveId null Always null for the Member Profiling Survey
Name string Toluna-specified Survey name. “MemberProfileSurvey”
URL string Invitation link. Clicking on the URL will take this specific Respondent to the survey.
Duration int Estimated length of interview
IR null Always null for the Member Profiling Survey
MemberAmount decimal By default, the Member Profile Survey is not incentivized to the Member by Toluna.
PartnerAmount decimal By default, the Member Profile Survey is not incentivized to the Partner by Toluna.

Example Response

        "SurveyID": 1000001,
        "WaveId": null,
        "Name": "MemberProfileSurvey",
        "URL": "",
        "Duration": "5",
        "IR": null,
        "MemberAmount": 0.0,
        "PartnerAmount": 0.0