Generate Invite

Once a Member has been matched to a Toluna Quota, this route can be used to generate an invitation.



GET https://{IP_ES_URL}/IPExternalSamplingService/ExternalSample/{PanelGuid}/{MemberCode}/Invite/{QuotaID}


Name Type Description Required?
PanelGUID Guid A Toluna-issued unique identifier for a Partner’s culture-specific panel Yes
MemberCode string Partner’s unique identifier for the Member as define when registered with Toluna. The PanelGUID+MemberCode is always unique within the Toluna system Yes
QuotaID int Toluna’s uniqiue identifier for a Quota Yes


Name Type Description Required?
API_AUTH_KEY GUID A Partner-specific GUID provided by Toluna Yes

Body Details

  • None

Example Request

GET https://{IP_ES_URL}/IPExternalSamplingService/ExternalSample/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/MyMemberCode/Invite/12345


Possible Codes

Code Etiology, actions
200 Request processed normally
400 Bad Request: see response for details
500 Internal Error: An exception occurred while processing the request. Toluna likely has captured details in its logs
403 Forbidden: Invalid API_AUTH_KEY. See response for details

Body Details

Name Type Description
SurveyID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a Survey
WaveID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a single iteration of a Survey. The SurveyID+WaveID is always unique
QuotaID int Toluna’s uniqiue identifier for a Quota
Member Amount double Amount Partner has agreed to pay it’s Member for a complete. This is rarely used and Toluna prefers to avoid direct engagement with the Partner-Member relationship
Partner Amount double Amount Toluna has agreed to pay Partner for a complete. The value shown is linked to the URL and is valid for any complete generated from a member’s interaction with the link, regardless of changes to the LOI and IR of the survey
URL string Link to Invite Member to Quota
LOI int Length of Interview at the time of invite generation. Valued in minutes
IR int Incidence Rate at the time fo invite generation


200 Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
 "SurveyId": 2349720,
 "WaveID": 34839308,
 "QuotaID": 3445365,
 "MemberAmount": 0.5,
 "PartnerAmount": 1,
 "URL": "https://[ROOT]/TrafficUI/MSCUI/Page.aspx?pgtid=20&od=kqe0mda072UagaQSVQIlgUX1QE4E41107",
 "LOI": 5,
 "IR": 40

400 Response

HTTP/1.1 400
Content-Type: application/plaintext; charset=utf-8
  "Result": "NO_QUOTA_ID",
  "ResultCode": 10