Questions and Answers

Returns a list of all platform questions and their details. Due to the large inventory of questions, Toluna recommends that this tool be used periodically and with a maximum of 5 cultures per call. This will ensure the response is delivered in a timely and easily-absorbable manner.



POST {IP_REF_DATA_URL}/IPUtilityService/ReferenceData/QuestionsAndAnswersData 

Note: unlike the calls used for other Reference Data routes, this route requires the use of the POST method.


  • None
Name Type Description Required?
PARTNER_AUTH_KEY string Authorization of Reference Data access Yes

Body Details

Name Type Description Required?
CultureIDs array<int> Culture identifiers for requested cultures. Limit 5 cultures per request. For a list of available cultures, click here Yes
CategoryIDs array<int> Category identifiers that limit the response to questions and answers tied to the specific Category No
LastUpdateDate dateTime Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. Any questions and answers modified after the date given will be included in the results. If omitted, all questions and answers will be given regardless of modification date No
IncludeComputed bool Default false. When true, questions with answer type “Computed” will be included in results. Set to “false” to exclude these questions No
IncludeRoutables bool Default false. When true, routable questions (IsRoutable=true) will be included in the results. Set to false to exclude these questions No
IncludeDemographics bool Defaults false. When true, questions regarding member Demographics (i.e. Ethnicity) are included. Set to false to exclude these questions No

Example Request

POST {IP_REF_DATA_URL}/IPUtilityService/ReferenceData/QuestionsAndAnswersData HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
    "CultureIDs": [1,5],                        
    "CategoryIDs": [],
    "LastUpdateDate": "2000-11-10T13:59:47.0969632+02:00",
    "IncludeComputed" : "true",
    "IncludeRoutables": "true",
    "IncludeDemographics": "true"


Possible Codes

Code Etiology, actions
200 OK. Request processed normally
400 Bad Request. Request is malformed or incomplete. Review message details and take appropriate action
403 Forbidden. Invalid PARTNER_AUTH_KEY
500 Internal Error. An exception occurrec while processing the request. Contact Toluna for resolution. Toluna will likely have the details caputred in its logs

Body Details

Name Type Description
IsRoutable bool Declares whether a question is routable or not
InternalName string Toluna’s name for a question used only internally
TranslatedQuestion list<object> Shows details for the specific question
ChildQuestions list<object> Shows details for any Childquestions associated with a TranslatedQuestion. Child questions are only associated with Questions that have the answer type “Container”
TranslatedAnswers list<object> List of question answers and their properties

TranslatedQuestion Objects

Name Type Description
QuestionID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a question
CultureID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a culture
DisplayNameTranslation string Toluna’s name for a question shown to the Repondent

ChildQuestions Objects

Name Type Description
QuestionID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a question
CultureID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a culture
DisplayNameTranslation string Toluna’s name for a question shown to the Repondent

TranslatedAnswers Objects

Name Type Description
AnswerID int Toluna’s unique identifier for an answer
Translation string Answer text as shown to the Respondent
AnswerInternalName string Answer text used internally
AnswerType string Defines how the answer is derived. Possible responses are SingleSelect, ComputedType, MultiSelect, OpenEnded, Container
AnswerValidationRegularExpression string Declares regular expression for open-ended questions. If the question is not open-ended, response will be ‘null’

Example Response

    "IsRoutable": true,
    "InternalName": "routable question lee",
    "TranslatedQuestion": {
      "QuestionID": 20002866,
      "CultureID": 1,
      "DisplayNameTranslation": "routable question lee",
      "HelpTextTranslation": "",
      "SamplingSequenceNumber": null
    "ChildQuestions": null,
    "TranslatedAnswers": [
        "AnswerID": 50006863,
        "Translation": "routable question lee1",
        "AnswerInternalName": "routable question lee1"
        "AnswerID": 50006864,
        "Translation": "routable question lee2",
        "AnswerInternalName": "routable question lee2"
    "AnswerType": "SingleSelect",
    "AnswerValidationRegularExpression": null

Question And Answers for Age

QuestionID AnswerID Translation
1001538 2006351 13-17
1001538 2006352 18-24
1001538 2006353 25-29
1001538 2006354 30-34
1001538 2006355 35-39
1001538 2006356 40-44
1001538 2006357 45-49
1001538 2006358 50-54
1001538 2006359 55-59
1001538 2006360 60-64
1001538 2006361 65 and older