Member Update (PUT)
Existing Members can be updated using HTTP PUT. “PartnerGUID” and “MemberCode” are required. Combine them with optional properties to update a Member according to your requirements.
This API will not support near-simultaneous calls. To avoid duplication errors, subsequent calls referencing the same MemberCode should be made no more frequently than once per 1000ms (1 sec)
PUT https://{IP_CORE_URL}/IntegratedPanelService/api/Respondent
Request Parameters
- None
Name | Type | Description | Required? |
Accept: application/json;version=2.0 | string | Declaration of api version | Yes |
Body Details
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
PartnerGUID | GUID | Unique Partner Code (Please request from Toluna if you don’t have one) | Yes |
MemberCode | string | Unique Respondent Code from the Partner | Yes |
IsActive | bool | Defaults TRUE. When TRUE, Member is eligible to take Surveys. When FALSE, Member is excluded from the Survey Routing pool. | No |
BirthDate | string | MM/DD/YYYY format | No |
PostalCode | string | Member postal code | No |
IsTest | bool | Defaults FALSE. When TRUE the Member by-passes all Toluna duplication validation routines. Among other things, this makes the eligible to take Surveys multiple times from the same physical machine. Should be used ONLY during testing | No |
AnsweredQuestions | string | A collection of 0:M demographic Question and Answer ID pairs - Currently available - will be marked as “obsolete” and deprecated in an year | No |
RegistrationAnswers | string | Supports multi-select and open-ended answers. This will also maintain current single select responses | No |
IsPIIDataRegulated | bool | Defaults FALSE. When TRUE, all personally identifiable information is removed | No |
Deactivate Member
"MemberCode": "111",
"IsActive": "false"
#### Add RegistrationAnswers
"MemberCode": "111",
#### Add Open-Ended Answers beyond Postal code and Birthdate
"MemberCode": "111",
"Answers": [
{"AnswerID":2224508, "AnswerValue" = "New York"}
Use Member for Testing
"MemberCode": "111",
"IsTest": "true"
Change Member EducationID
"MemberCode": "111",
Remove Personal Information
"MemberCode": "111",
"IsPIIDataRegulated": true
Possible Codes
Response Code | Etiology, actions |
200 | OK. Request processed normally, existing Member Paneling was updated without issue |
400 | Bad Request. Bad Request. Request is malformed or incomplete. Review message details and take appropriate action |
404 | Not Found. An attempt to update a Member that does not exist. Existence is determined by the combination of MemberCode and PartnerGUID |
500 | Internal Error. An exception occurred while processing the request. Contact Toluna for resolution. Toluna will likely have the details captured in its logs |
Body Details
- No body will be included with a 201 response.
- 400 and 409 responses will contain response bodies with additional details explaining the nature of the failure.
- Only updates existing members. To add a new Member, use the POST route noted here.
- Optional Properties can be excluded from the request. “GenderID,” “EducationID,” “EthnicityID,” “RaceID,” and “SubProvinceID” can also take “0” to indicate “no value.”
- Invalid Property data typically returns a 400 response.
- If RegistrationAnswers is supplied, AnswerQuestions will be ignored
- This API will not support near-simultaneous calls. To avoid duplication errors, subsequent calls referencing the same MemberCode should be made no more frequently than once per 1000ms (1 sec)