Question Categories

Returns a list of all question category names and IDs.



GET {IP_REF_DATA_URL}/IPUtilityService/ReferenceData/QuestionCategories 


  • None
Name Type Description Required?
PARTNER_AUTH_KEY string Authorization of Reference Data access Yes

Body Details

  • None

Example Request

GET {IP_REF_DATA_URL}/IPUtilityService/ReferenceData/QuestionCategories 
Content-Type: application/json


Possible Codes

Code Etiology, actions
200 OK. Request processed normally
400 Bad Request. Request is malformed or incomplete. Review message details and take appropriate action
403 Forbidden. Invalid PARTNER_AUTH_KEY
500 Internal Error. An exception occurred while processing the request. Contact Toluna for resolution. Toluna will likely have the details captured in its logs

Body Details

Name Type Description
Name string Toluna’s unique name for a question
Description string Clarifying description of question
CategoryID int Toluna’s identifier for the category the question is associated with

Example Response

    "Name": "Games",
    "Description": null,
    "CategoryID": 14