Enhanced Terminate Notifications

In certain instances, Members will click on a Survey invite but the experience will be Terminated before the Member is routed through the Toluna Platform. These instances can occur for multiple reasons (e.g. the Member attempted to initiate the experience after the Survey or Invite Link has expired).

Since the Member does not start the Survey experience before they are Terminated, these notifications are also referred to as “Pre-Start” Notifications, and are executed in similar fashion as the Terminate notifications, details on which can be found here.


  • POST


  • Specified by Partner; Toluna will configure accordingly

Body Details

Name Type Description
UniqueCode string Unique Respondent Code from the Partner
SurveyId int Tolujna Survey identifier
SurveyRef string Toluna Survey name
Reason string Reason for the Termination. Possible values: “QuotaFull,” “SurveyTaken,” “Terminated,” “SurveyNotAvailable,” “NoSurveysAvailable,” “NoCookie,” “MaxSurveysReached,” or “NotQualified”
DateTime string Date and time of Respondent Termination. Format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” in UTC Time
WaveId int Current iteration of the Survey. Studies related to one another can be sent in “waves” that the Member will experience as a unique Survey
Incidence Rate int Incidence Rate of the Survey
AdditionalData string Full QueryString from the inviteURL. Custom parameters appended by the Partner to the inviteURL will also be included
IsAutoReouted bool Indcates whether the Member was auto-routed or not
OriginalSurveyID int SurveyID to which the Member was originally invited
RejectionID int Toluna’s unqiue identifier for a rejection. See Respondent Rejection Types for mapping details
RejectionName string Name of a rejection. See Respondent Rejection Types for mapping details
QuotaID int (Applicable for Partners utilizing the External Sample Offering only) Toluna’s unique identifier for a quota

Please note: To prevent breaking changes, panels existing before June 20, 2021, have been excluded from receiving RespondentRejectionTypeID and RejectionName. If you have a panel that predates these additions and would like to enable them, please contact your Toluna Representative.

Example XML Termination

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<termination xmlns:xsd="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
 <DateTime>2014-09-11 16:06:27</DateTime>

Example JSON Termination

 "UniqueCode": "111",
 "SurveyId": 123,
 "SurveyRef": "123560-US",
 "Reason": "Terminated",
 "DateTime": "2014-09-11 16:06:27",
 "WaveId": 100,
 "QuotaID": 987654,
 "AdditionalData": "clickid=1234",
"IsAutoRouted": true,
"OriginalSurveyId": 100,
"RespondentRejectionTypeID": 103,
"RejectionName": "NonQuotaDemographicRejection"