
As the platform matures, any recent changes to its behavior will be noted here.

Release Date UPS Version TEF Version IP Version  
March 13, 2022 15.5.707 3.0.615 2.5.8 Improved Geo Computation for Registered Members, Minor bug fixes, and platform optimization
November 7, 2021 15.5.1516 3.0.1477 2.5.8 Improved Geo Computation for Registered Members, Minor bug fixes, and platform optimization
July 18, 2021 15.5.1454 3.0.1359 2.5.8 Minor bug fixes and platform optimization
June 20, 2021 15.5.1425 3.0.1359 2.5.8 See more
May 23, 2021 15.5.1393 3.0.1330 2.5.7 Minor bug fixes and platform optimization
May 2, 2021 15.5.1361 3.0.1330 2.5.7 Minor bug fixes and platform optimization
February 23, 2021 15.5.1289 3.0.1304 2.5.7 See more
June 7, 2020 15.5.1020 3.0.1013.0 2.5.6 See more
March 1, 2020 15.8.7 3.0.1013.0 2.5.5 See more



• (Change) Standard Encryption now applies to all redirect URLs. For full list of end page scenarios, please click here.

Note: If you had encryption enabled in your API Instance, you will be automatically upgraded to the enhanced encrytion. To opt out of this, please contact your Toluna Business Representative.

• (Change) Pre-Start Notifications now available to partners utilizing the Dashboard API. To opt in to these Notifications, please contact your Toluna Business Representative.

• (New Feature) Enhanced Terminate Notifications: Pre-Start Notifications can now include additional objects defining the nature of the respondent’s rejection. Top opt-in, please contact your Toluna Representative. If opted-in, parameters will also be automatically added to End Pages. Please see Enhanced Terminate Parameters for more details.



• (New Feature) IP Member API v2 will now support both multipleselect and open-ended answers along with the existing single-select answers. A detailed explanation of the new change can be found here.

• (Change) IP Member Add endpoint (v1 &v2): a minor change in the response message when a duplicate member adds a request sent for a member in blocked status. It is updated to align with our standard duplication handling process. Below is an example of the response message.

An IP Member for MemberCode {MemberCode} and PartnerGUID {PartnerGUID} already exists. To update a Member, please use the PUT verb.

• Three new Questions were added to the system, namely Hashed Email, Hash Type, and Mobile Advertising ID.

QuestionId Name
2910040 MobileAdvertisingID
2910041 HashedEmail
2910042 HashType



• New Feature: Standard Encryption

• A detailed explanation of the new feature can be found here.



• New Feature: GetQuotaDetails

• A detailed explanation of the new feature can be found here.