Get Settings

For a Toluna-issued “PanelGUID,” returns a list of settings and their associated values (end-page URLs, notification URLs, encryption details).



GET https://{IP_ES_URL}/IntegratedPanelService/api/Settings?partnerGUID={PanelGUID}


Name Type Description Required?
PanelGUID Guid A Toluna-issued unique identifier for a Partner’s culture-specific panel. Yes
Name Type Description Required?
API_AUTH_KEY GUID A Partner-specific GUID provided by Toluna Yes

Body Details

  • None

Example Request

GET https://{IP_ES_URL}/IntegratedPanelService/api/Settings?partnerGUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX


Possible Codes

Code Etiology, action
200 Request processed normally
400 Bad Request: See response for details
403 Forbidden: invalid API_AUTH_KEY. See response for details
500 Internal Error. An exception has occurred while processing the request. Toluna likely has captured the details in its logs

Body Details

  • None

Example Response

    "Name": "Qualified URL",
    "Description": "Url where members are sent when they complete a survey.",
    "Value": "[pid]"
    "Name": "Terminate URL",
    "Description": "Url where members are sent when they terminate a survey.",
    "Value": "[pid]"
    "Name": "Quota Full URL",
    "Description": "Url where members are sent when they are not able to participate in a survey due to the quota being full.",
    "Value": "[pid]"
    "Name": "Fraud Terminate URL",
    "Description": "Url where members are sent when they are marked as fraudulent activity in a survey. ",
    "Value": "[pid]"
    "Name": "Digital Finger Printing Failure URL",
    "Description": "Url where members are sent when they are not able to be fingerprinted (fraud reduction).",
    "Value": "[pid]"
    "Name": "No Surveys URL",
    "Description": "Url where members are sent when there are no surveys available. ",
    "Value": "[pid]"
    "Name": "Survey Taken URL",
    "Description": "Url where members are sent when they have already taken the survey.",
    "Value": "[pid]"
    "Name": "No Cookies URL",
    "Description": "Url where members are sent when a member does not have cookies enabled. ",
    "Value": "[pid]"
    "Name": "Survey Not Available URL",
    "Description": "Url where members are sent when the survey is no longer available. ",
    "Value": "[pid]"
    "Name": "Not Qualified URL",
    "Description": "Url where members are sent when they do not qualify for a survey. ",
    "Value": "[pid]"
    "Name": "Max Surveys Reached URL",
    "Description": "Url where members are sent when they've taken the max number of surveys for that day.",
    "Value": "[pid]"
    "Name": "Max Surveys To Fetch",
    "Description": "Max number of surveys returned in Dashboard Get Surveys call.",
    "Value": "0"
    "Name": "Invite Notification URL",
    "Description": "Url where invite notifications / requests are sent.",
    "Value": null
    "Name": "Completion Notification URL",
    "Description": "Url where member-status qualified complete notifications are sent.",
    "Value": ""
    "Name": "Terminate Notification URL",
    "Description": "Url where member-status terminate notifications are sent.",
    "Value": ""
    "Name": "Survey Notification URL",
    "Description": "Url where notifications are sent for surveys that are marked as closed.",
    "Value": ""
    "Name": "Reference Data API Auth Key",
    "Description": "Authorization key needed to access Reference Data API.",
    "Name": "Panel GUID",
    "Description": "Unique Identifier for Partner and this culture.",
    "Name": "Quota Notifications Enabled",
    "Description": "Denotes whether the Sample Partner is enabled to receive the quota notifications.",
    "Value": "True"
    "Name": "Quota Notification URL",
    "Description": "URL where notifications are sent for quota status updates.",
    "Value": ""
    "Name": "Standard EncryptionResult Parameter Name",
    "Description": "The name of parameter which will hold the encrypted value.",
    "Value": null