Get Quota Details

At times, it is beneficial for a Partner to obtain the status of a single Quota regardless of whether or not it would be included in the GetQuotas request. This is the purpose of QuotaDetails, an exclusive feature for Partners using ES Integration.

The method, explained below, reveals if the requested Quota is available for ES, if the Partner qualifies for the Quota, and the Quota details (provided the Partner qualifies).



GET {IP_ES_URL}/IPExternalSamplingService/ExternalSample/{panelGUID}/QuotaStatus/{quotaID}


Name Type Description Required?
PanelGUID Guid A Toluna-issued unique identifier for a Partner’s culture-specific panel. Yes
QuotaID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a Quota Yes


Name Type Description Required?
API_AUTH_KEY GUID A Partner-specific GUID provided by Toluna Yes

Body Details

  • None

Example Request

GET {IP_ES_URL}/IPExternalSamplingService/ExternalSample/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/QuotaStatus/42386


For response details, please refer to the Get Quotas Page.

Example Responses

Survey Available for Partner

"QuotaID": 42387,
"CountryID": 2000223,
"CompletesRequired": 5,
"EstimatedCompletesRemaining": 5,
"Layers": [
"LayerID": 56059,
"SubQuotas": [
"QuestionsAndAnswers": [
"QuestionID": 1001538,
"AnswerIDs": [],
"AnswerValues": [
"IsRoutable": false
"SubQuotaID": 167082,
"CurrentCompletes": 0,
"MaxTargetCompletes": 5
"CacheExpires": "2020-01-31T21:19:30.3616306Z"

Survey Not Available for Partner

"ResultCode": 42

Survey or Quota No Longer Live

"Result": "NO_QUOTA_ID",
"ResultCode": 10