Survey Wave Exclusion

Survey Wave Exclusion is a feature available to ES Partners that allows Members to be excluded from participating in a specified Survey+WavedID based on the Member’s participation in a previous Survey or Wave.

Response Details

SurveyWaveExclusion will be shown when using the GetQuotas request. The following are the response details specific to SurveyWaveExclusions. If there are no exclusions specified, the SurveyWaveExclusions object will be empty.

Name Type Description
SurveyID int The integer identifier of the excluded Survey
WaveID int` The integer identifier of the excluded Wave associated with the excluded Survey. An exclusion with a WaveID=0 should be interpreted as the exclusion applying to any Wave of the associated Survey. WaveID should not be populated if SurveyID is empty
ParticipationStatusIDs array<int> Should always contain at least one integer. Integers represent the Member’s participation statuses of the associated Survey/Wave that should be excluded. Values are as follows: 1 = started (Member accessed the SurveyURL), 3 = Terminated, 9 = Qualified, 10 = QuotaFull

Exclusions for a Survey can change over type, affecting the number of Members that are excluded from the new SurveyID+WaveID.

Detailed Information on ParticipationStatusIDs

  • 1 = Started. The Member was successfully routed to the Survey by the Partner but was never routed back to the Partner. The Partner never received a MemberStatus Notification.
  • 3 = Terminated. The Member was successfully routed to the Survey by the Partner. The Member was either redirected to the Partners’s Terminate URL or the Partner received a Terminated MemberStatus Notification.
  • 9 = Qualified. The Member was returned to the Partner’s Qualified URL or the Partner received a Completed MemberStatus Notification.
  • 10 = QuotaFull. The Member was returned to the Partner’s QuotaFull URL or the Partner received a Terminated MemberStatus Notification with a reason of QuotaFull.

Survey Object returned by GET Quotas response

“SurveyID": 48506,
"SurveyName": "1087571-US-Quota",
"SurveyWaveExclusions": [
    "SurveyID": 1234,
    "WaveID": 4556,
    "ParticipationStatusIDs": [3,9]
    "SurveyID": 9784,
    "WaveID": 0,
    "ParticipationStatusIDs": [10]

Interpretation of Response

  • Any Member that has either Terminated (ParticipationStatusID=3) or Qualified (9) on Survey 1234+Wave4556 is excluded from participating on Survey 48506
  • Any Member that has been marked as QuotaFull (ParticipationStatusID=10) on any Wave of Survey 9784 is excluded from participating on Survey 48506