Get Recontact Members For Quota

For the requested Quota, returns a list of MemberCodes eligible for a recontact.



GET https://{IP_ES_URL}/IPExternalSamplingService/ExternalSample/{panelGuid}/Recontact/{quotaID}/MemberCodes?maxResults={maxResults}&lastMemberCodeReceived={lastMemberCodeReceived}


Name Type Description Required?
panelGUID Guid A Toluna-issued unique identifier for a Partner’s culture-specific panel Yes
quotaID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a Quota Yes
maxResult int The maximum number of MemberCodes that will be returned for the request. If not provided, defaults to a Toluna-configurable value (for, v0.1:10000) No
lastMemberCodeReceived string When dealing with batched results for a single Quota, supply this value to signal the last result received. The batch results will start with the MemberCode AFTER this value. Note that MemberCodes for recontact are ordered alphanumerically No
Name Type Description Required?
API_AUTH_KEY GUID A Partner-specific GUID provided by Toluna Yes

Body Details

  • None

Example Request

GET https://{IP_ES_URL}/IPExternalSamplingService/ExternalSample/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/Recontact/12345/MemberCodes?maxResults=25&lastMemberCodeReceived=myLastResult


Possible Responses

Code Etiology, actions
200 Request processed normally
400 Bad Request: see response for details
500 Internal Error. An exception occurred while processing this request. Toluna has likely captured details in its logs
403 Forbidden: invalid API_AUTH_KEY. See response for details

Body Details

Name Type Description
MaxResults int The number of MemberCodes included in the response
HasAdditionalMembers bool When true, the Quota has more MemberCodes for recontact. Obtain them by repeating the request with the “lastMemberCodeReceived” parameter.
Member codes list<string> The MemberCodes Toluna would like to recontact for the Quota


200 Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
 "MaxResults": 25,
 "HasAdditionalMembers": false,
 "MemberCodes": [

Sample 400 Response

HTTP/1.1 400
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  "Result": "NO_QUOTA_ID",
  "ResultCode": 10