Question Data

Returns detailed information on a specified question in a specified culture.



GET {IP_REF_DATA_URL}/IPUtilityService/ReferenceData/QuestionAndAnswersData/{questionID}/{cultureID}


Name Type Description Required?
questionID int Identifier for the desired question Yes
cultureID int Identifier for the culture to which the question belongs. To find a cultureID, use the route detailed here Yes
Name Type Description Required?
PARTER_AUTH_KEY string Authorization of Reference Data Access Yes

Body Details

  • None

Example Request

GET {IP_REF_DATA_URL}/IPUtilityService/ReferenceData/QuestionAndAnswersData/1010876/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json


Possible Codes

Code Etiology, actions
200 OK. Request processed normally
400 Bad Request. Request is malformed or incomplete. Review message details and take appropriate action
403 Forbiddent. Invalid PARTER_AUTH_KEY
500 Internal Error. An exception occurred while processing the request. Contact Toluna for resolution. Toluna will likely have the details captured in its logs


An empty 200 response indicates that the question has a computed answer type. Computed answers are automatically generated from basic demographic information (i.e., Birthdate and ZipCode).

Body Details

Name Type Description
IsRoutable bool Defines whether or not a member can be routed to this question before proceeding to an invited survey. For more information, click [here])(/faq/externalsample/quotas.html#can-i-send-usersmemberspanelists-to-quotas-with-unansweredunknown-subquotas)
InternalName string Toluna’s name for a question used only internally
TranslatedQuestion list<object> Shows the details for the specified question
ChildQuestions list<object> Shows details for any Childquestions associated with a TranslatedQuestion. Child questions are only associated with Questions that have the answer type “Container”
TranslatedAnswers list<object> List of question answers and their properties
AnswerType string Defines how the answer is derived. Possible responses are SingleSelect, ComputedType, MultiSelect, OpenEnded, Container
AnswerValidationRegularExpression string Declares regular expression for open-ended questions. If the question is not open-ended, response will be ‘null’

TranslatedQuestion Objects

Name Type Description
QuestionID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a question
CultureID int Toluna’s unique identifier for the culture to which the quesiton belongs
DisplayNameTranslation string Toluna’s name for a question shown to the Respondent
HelpTextTranslation string Additional information shown to the Respondent to help them better answer the question

TranslatedAnswers Objects

Name Type Description
AnswerID int Toluna’s unique identifier for an answer
Translation string Answer text as show to the Respondent
AnswerInteralName string Answer texted used internally

Example Response

    "IsRoutable": true,
    "InternalName": "Online Games Console and Frequency - Xbox 360",
    "TranslatedQuestion": {
      "QuestionID": 1010876,
      "CultureID": 1,
      "DisplayNameTranslation": "Xbox 360",
      "HelpTextTranslation": "",
      "SamplingSequenceNumber": null
    "ChildQuestions": null,
    "TranslatedAnswers": [
        "AnswerID": 3015474,
        "Translation": "Mainly play online games",
        "AnswerInternalName": "Mainly play online games"
        "AnswerID": 3014489,
        "Translation": "Mainly play off-line games",
        "AnswerInternalName": "Mainly play off-line games"
        "AnswerID": 3015475,
        "Translation": "Play online games only",
        "AnswerInternalName": "Play online games only"
        "AnswerID": 3015473,
        "Translation": "Play off-line games and online games about the same amount",
        "AnswerInternalName": "Play off-line games and online games about the same amount"
        "AnswerID": 3500202,
        "Translation": "Do not play",
        "AnswerInternalName": "Do not play"
        "AnswerID": 3014488,
        "Translation": "Play off-line games only",
        "AnswerInternalName": "Play off-line games only"
    "AnswerType": "SingleSelect",
    "AnswerValidationRegularExpression": null