Sampling Rules

Quotas are broken down into the following components: Surveys, Waves, Quotas, Layers, and Subquotas. External Sample Partners must comply with Toluna’s sampling rules. Members of ES Partners must be an exact match to the desired Survey based on the parameters listed below.

To be sampled for a Quota, a member must:

  • Be targeted for only 1 Quota per Survey
  • Match ALL Layers in the Quota
  • Match at least ONE of the SubQuotas in each layer.
  • Match at least one “AnswerID” (SubQuotaAttribute) per SubQuota with the single QuestionID
  • Match at least one “AnswerID” (SubQuotaAttribute) per QuestionID in the SubQuota with multiple QuestionIDs

These rules can be consolidated into simple boolean conditions:

  • Quotas are “OR” conditions
  • Layers are “AND” conditions
  • SubQuotas are “OR” conditions
  • AnswerIDs are “OR” conditions
  • Within a SubQuota
    • “OR” for the same QuestionID
    • “AND” for multiple QuestionIDs

Sampling Examples

Click each button to open a new page with the JSON file for the specific example.

Quota with Multiple Layers

Quota with Single Layer, Multiple QuestionIDs

Quota with Single Layer, Single QuestionID