Get Quotas

For a Toluna-issued “PanelGUID,” returns a list of Surveys and their associated Quotas in need of supply.



GET https://{IP_ES_URL}/IPExternalSamplingService/ExternalSample/{PanelGUID}/Quotas?includeRoutables:{bool}


Name Type Description Required?
PanelGUID Guid A Toluna-issued unique identifier for a Partner’s culture-specific panel. Yes
IncludeRoutables bool Indicates whether to include Routable questions in the result or not. By default, this is set to “true” even if not included in the request. Set to “false” to exclude these questions from your response No
Name Type Description Required?
API_AUTH_KEY GUID A Partner-specific GUID provided by Toluna Yes

Body Details

  • None

Example Request

GET https://{IP_ES_URL}/IPExternalSamplingService/ExternalSample/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/Quotas


Possible Codes

Code Etiology, action
200 Request processed normally
400 Bad Request: See response for details
500 Internal Error. An exception has occurred while processing the request. Toluna likely has captured the details in its logs
403 Forbidden: invalid API_AUTH_KEY. See response for details

Body Details

Name Type Description
CountryID int Toluna’s unique identifier for the country in which the available Quotas are located.
CacheExpires dateTime Date at which Toluna’s cache of this data was last updated.
Surveys list<object> A JSON object containing 1:M Surveys for which Toluna has open Quotas

Survey Object

Name Type Description
SurveyID int Toluna’s unique identifies for a Survey
SurveyName string Toluna’s name for a Survey
WaveID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a single iteration of a Survey. The SurveyID+WaveID is always unique
LOI int Length of interview in minutes
IR int Incidence Rate
StudyTypeID int The Survey’s “category.” See Reference Data API for values
ScheduledCompletionDate dateTime Date at which Survey is set to close
DeviceTypeIDs list<int> Devices upon which the Survey can be used. See Reference Data API for details
IsSurveyRecontact boolean States whether the survey is a recontact based on a previous survey. If TRUE, members will need to have participated in the original survey in order to be matched to the recontact survey. To find members eligible, utilize the GET Recontact API
CompletesRequired int The total number of completes required across all Quotas until the ScheduleCompletionDate. This should be considered the limit of completes available. At times, this may be less than the sum of all Quotas
EstimatedCompletesRemaining int The estimated number of completes remaining until the ScheduleCompletionDate, across all Quotas, until the Survey is full. At times, this may be less than the sum of all Quotas
Price <object> A JSON object containing details about price Toluna will pay per complete
Quotas list<object> A JSON object containing 1:M Quotas for the Survey. Members can be targeted only to one quota within the Survey
SurveyWaveExclusions list<object> A JSON object containing details on the exclusions that can be set by a Partner based on a Member’s previous participation status. More detailed information can be found here

Price Object

Name Type Description
Amount double The monetary amount of the payment per complete
CurrencyID int Currency in which the payment per complete is denoted. See Reference Data API for details

Quota Object

Name Type Description
QuotaID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a Quota
CompletesRequired int The total number of completes required to fill the Quota
EstimatedCompletesRemaining int The estimated number of completes remaining until the Quota is filled
Layers list<object> A JSON object containing groups of Quotas. When sampling, all Layers must be matched

Layer Object

Name Type Description
LayerID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a Layer
SubQuotas list<object> A JSON object contains 1:M SubQuotas. When sampling, one SubQuota must be matched


Name Type Description
SubQuotaID int Toluna’s unique identifier for a SubQuota
CurrentCompletes int Current complete received for a SubQuota
MaxTargetCompletes int Maximum target completes required for a SubQuota
QuestionsAndAnswers list<object> A JSON object contains collection of Question and Answers per SubQuota

QuestionAndAnswers Object

Name Type Description
QuestionID int Toluna’s profile attribute identifier
AnswerIDs list<int> List of Toluna’s profile attribute identifiers. When sampling, at least one AnswerID must match. See Reference Data API for details
AnswerValues string<int> List of Answer values of an open ended answers.Example: Custom Age values “18-100”, Postal codes, DMA and MSA. Note: “Age” will be range based. “DMA and MSA” will be comma separated Answer IDs. “Postal codes” will be comma separated postal code values. It can contain partial values. ‘Starts with’ must be applied to match it. API is limited to expose only first 1000 postal codes.
IsRoutable boolean Indicates whether the question is Routable or not


200 Response

Click Here to Access JSON File

400 Response

HTTP/1.1 400
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

   "Result": "PANEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST",
   "ResultCode": 3