External Sample - Recontact Flow
Recontact Quotas
Using your culture-specific “PanelGUID” provided by Toluna, call this route to obtain a current inventory of the applicable open Toluna quotas
Is Survey Recontact
Once Quota data is obtained, each Survey applicable for Recontact will have the “IsSurveyRecontact” property set to “true”. This is an indication to disregard your own sampling capability and, instead, obtain the Quota’s list of “invite-able” MemberCodes from Toluna. Toluna will expose Recontact Surveys to Partners only if they have Members targeted for Recontact; otherwise these Surveys will not appear in the results.
As the list of Recontact-eligible Members can be large, Toluna uses a separate API route (“GetRecontactMembersForQuota”) route to provide this information. This takes the Recontact Toluna QuotaID as a parameter and returns, by default, up to 10000 results per-call. It supports batching via the “lastMemberCodeReceived” parameter: provide your last MemberCode obtained for the Quota, and Toluna will begin the result set at the next Member (ordered alphanumerically, ascending). This route also allows consumers to define their own batch size via the “maxResults” parameter. If not provided, the default “maxResults” of 10000 is used. Toluna recommends restricting results to less than this value and does not guarantee performance about this limit. As a single Recontact Survey can have multiple Quotas, repeat this step for each Quota
Validate, Sample, Get Invites
When the list of MemberCodes has been obtained, perform any required local validation (e.g. Are the members still active on your end?). Once validated, execute your sampling process against the target recontact Quota for every Member. This will ensure that the targeting is correct and that each Recontact Member matches the Quota Criteria. Finally, call the Toluna “GenerateInvite” route to obtain a standard Toluna IP invite for each matched Member. Once obtained, these invites are identical to any other in the IP Program.
For sampling rules, please visit here.
Execute Invite
Use the Toluna invites according to the Partner’s own requirements/workflow. Once executed, the Member’s experience is consistent with the traditional, “real-time” flow.