Adding a Member (POST)

A partner can add new members to the Toluna IP Database using an HTTP POST. This must be done by the partner before requesting or receiving survey opportunity links.

This request is almost an exact parallel to that in the Static Member Management section, with a few key differences. The most important being the Header, shown below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This API will not support near-simultaneous calls. To avoid duplication errors, subsequent calls referencing the same MemberCode should be made no more frequently than once per 1000ms (1 sec)

In order to place a Member into a Survey, Toluna must know - at a minimum - the panelist Date of Birth and Gender.



POST https://{IP_CORE_URL}/IntegratedPanelService/api/Respondent

Request Parameters

  • None


Name Type Description Required?
Accept: application/json;version=2.0 string Declaration of api version Yes

Body Details

Property Description Type Required?
PartnerGUID GUID Unique Partner Code (Please request from Toluna if you don’t have one) Yes
MemberCode string Unique Respondent Code from the Partner Yes
IsActive bool Defaults TRUE. When TRUE, Member is eligible to take Surveys. When FALSE, Member is excluded from the Survey Routing pool. No
BirthDate string MM/DD/YYYY format No
PostalCode string Member postal code No
IsTest bool Defaults FALSE. When TRUE the Member by-passes all Toluna duplication validation routines. Among other things, this makes the eligible to take Surveys multiple times from the same physical machine. Should be used ONLY during testing No
AnsweredQuestions string A collection of 0:M demographic Question and Answer ID pairs - Currently available - will be marked as “obsolete” and deprecated in an year No
RegistrationAnswers string Supports multi-select and open-ended answers. This will also maintain current single select responses No

Example - AnsweredQuestions

 "PartnerGUID": "93A6D55C-D4E7-49FC-8D68-671165ADE463",
 "MemberCode": "AUniquePartnerCode",
 "BirthDate": "6/21/1992",
 "PostalCode": "15235",

Example - RegistrationAnswers

 "PartnerGUID": "93A6D55C-D4E7-49FC-8D68-671165ADE463",
 "MemberCode": "AUniquePartnerCode",
 "BirthDate": "6/21/1992",
 "PostalCode": "15235",

Open-Ended Answers beyond Postal code, and Birthdate can be supplied as below:

      "Answers": [
                {"AnswerID":2224508, "AnswerValue" = "New York"} ]


Possible Codes

Response Code Etiology, actions
201 Created. Request processed normally, resulting in a new Member
400 Bad Request. Request is malformed or incomplete. Review message details and take appropriate action
409 Conflict. An attempt to add a Member that already exists. Duplication is determined by the combination of MemberCode and PartnerGUID
500 Internal Error. An exception occurred while processing the request. Contact Toluna for resolution. Toluna will likely have the details captured in its logs

Body Details

  • No body will be included with a 201 response.
  • 400 and 409 responses will contain response bodies with additional details explaining the nature of the failure.


  • Only new Members can be added. To update, use the PUT route noted below
  • Invalid Property data typically returns a 400 response that contains explanation for the rejection
  • If RegistrationAnswers is supplied, AnswerQuestions will be ignored
  • This API will not support near-simultaneous calls. To avoid duplication errors, subsequent calls referencing the same MemberCode should be made no more frequently than once per 1000ms (1 sec)