
Returns the summary of the successfully started Surveys in the given date range.

Please note: the date range is restricted to 30 days


GET https://{IP_CORE_URL}/IntegratedPanelService/api/Reports/Surveys/PanelActivitySummary?SamplePartnerGUID={PartnerGUID}&StartDate={StartDate}&EndDate={EndDate}

Request Parameters

Name Type Description Required?
PartnerGUID Guid API key provided by Toluna Yes
StartDate dateTime UTC date/time at which report should begin. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Yes
EndDate dateTime UTC date/time at which report should end. Format: YYYY-MM–DD HH:MM:SS Yes

Response Body Details

Name Type Desscription
PartnerGUID GUID Partner API key
CreatedUTC dateTime UTC date/time report created
StartSearchUTC dateTime UTC date/time start report
EndSearchUTC dateTime UTC date/time end report
Summary[] array List of statuses of successfully started Surveys
Summary[n].Status string Satus of the surveys. Result range: Qualified, QuotaFull, Terminated, Started, Abandoned, FraudTerminated, QualifiedIncomplete
Summary[n].StatusCount int Number of Surveys having designated “Summary[n].Status”

Possible Response Codes

200 OK. Request processed normally; results returned without issue
400 {StartDate} must precede {EndDate}
400 Search date range cannot exceed 30 days
400 Could not find Partner for {PartnerGUID}
500 Internal Error. An exception occurred while processing the request. Toluna likely has details captured in its logs

Example Response

  "Name": "SurveyTrackingSummary",
  "Description": "Shows Summary of Outcomes of all Surveys within a data range",
  "PartnerGUID": "b89268bf-5f68-470e-ac50-9ff6998cb93b",
  "CreatedUTC": "2017-11-01T18:04:27.2743459Z",
  "StartSearchUTC": "2017-02-23T21:54:03.16",
  "EndSearchUTC": "2017-03-15T21:54:03.16",
  "Summary": [
    "Status": "Started",
    "StatusCount": 2
    "Status": "Terminated",
    "StatusCount": 3
    "Status": "Qualified",
    "StatusCount": 7
    "Status": "QuotaFull",
    "StatusCount": 1