
For a given Survey, returns a list of all associated Members who, at a minimum, started the Survey.

Please note: the date range is restricted to 30 days and this report does not produce data for clicks which were terminated before the Survey could be started.


GET https://{IP_CORE_URL}/IntegratedPanelService/api/Reports/Surveys/{SurveyName}/MemberStatus/?SamplePartnerGUID={PartnerGUID}&StartDate={StartDate}&EndDate={EndDate}

Request Parameters

Name Type Description Required?
SurveyName string Unique name of a Survey for which Member status report is required Yes
PartnerGUID GUID API Key provided by Toluna Yes
StartDate dateTime UTC Date/Time at which report should begin. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Yes
EndDate dateTime UTC Date/Time at which report should end. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Yes
WaveID int Restricts report results to the SurveyName+WaveID combination and WaveID is returned in the result. To use, append “&WaveID={WaveID}” to the request No

Response Body Details

Name Type Description
PartnerGUID GUID Partner API key
SurveyID int Toluna unique identifier for Survey
SurveyName string Toluna unique name for Survey
CreatedUTC dateTime UTC Date/Time Report created
StartSearchUTC dateTime UTC Date/Time start Report
EndSearchUTC dateTime UTC Date/Time end Report
WaveID int Iteration of Survey; returned only when requested and Panel is configured for WaveID use
Details[] array List of Members reporting a status for the Survey
Details[n].MemberCode string Partners unique identifier for Member
Details[n].Status string the Member’s last status with the Survey. Result range: Started, Abandoned, Terminated, FraudTerminated, PrescreenerQualified, Qualified, QuotaFull
Details[n].EventDate dateTime Date/Time of last status change
Details[n].ReferenceID GUID Toluna’s identifier for Member’s response to a Survey; useful for support tickets

Possible Response Code

Code Etiology, actions
200 OK. Request processed normally, results returned without issue
404 Not Found. Could not find a survey for the SurveyName
400 {StartDate} must precede {EndDate}
400 Search date range cannot exceed 30 days
400 Could not find Partner for the PartnerGUID
500 Internal Error. An exception occurred while processing the request. Toluna will likely have details capture in its logs
400 “WaveID” is included and the Panel has not yet been configured to use WaveID

Example Response

    "Name": "SurveyMemberStatusReport",
    "Description": "Shows Member responses to the requested Survey",
    "PartnerGUID": "XXaebd22-1d08-4209-ac17-449XX8c805a0",
    "SurveyID": 110072,
    "WaveId": 324567,
    "SurveyName": "1150122-US-CBG11",
    "CreatedUTC": "2016-01-29T16:17:13.9234034Z",
    "StartSearchUTC": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
    "EndSearchUTC": "2016-01-30T00:00:00",
    "Details": [
     "MemberCode": "160784820",
     "Status": "QuotaFull",
     "EventDate": "2014-10-21T15:17:04.09-04:00",
     "ReferenceID": ‘4898681E-C781-45D2-A0ED-B83D2D3C10E8’
     "MemberCode": "198433088",
     "Status": "Qualified",
     "EventDate": "2014-10-21T16:16:37.333-04:00",
     "ReferenceID": ‘D202AF3C-0A75-4A76-94DA-389F16F1F979’
     "MemberCode": "198433088",
     "Status": "Started",
     "EventDate": "2014-10-21T17:08:32.753-04:00",
     "ReferenceID": ‘08D65758-2E36-4185-850B-B307F2C51590’
     "MemberCode": "1378711522",
     "Status": "Terminated",
     "EventDate": "2014-10-21T17:15:04.977-04:00",
     "ReferenceID": ‘9C2D16A9-D036-4858-A84F-6E32B7FEDF1D’